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Reflection on Creative Blocks: Artist Perception

Updated: Feb 1

I have those days, weeks, sometimes months when I just can’t enter the art corner and paint, which is actually accessible 24/7, since it is in my apartment.

My mind is absolutely against it, creating million reasons and excuses not to. It comes up with random “more important and urgent” things to do like washing balcony windows or sewing the skirt that has been there in the wardrobe for the past three years. I would do any ridiculous stuff just not to enter 'That Room'.

Then, I wake up at one of those beautiful mornings, meditate on my life goals and dreams, listen to my heart that always tells me that art is my final happy destination and that I need to push harder to get there without any doubts or fears.

And, the struggle repeats itself.

Honestly, I don’t quite know what stands behind my artistic breakthroughs. Usually, these are the strong emotions that are not quite easy to obtain. Extreme ones, I would say. It can be happiness or an absolute frustration - anything that creates a burning sensation in the chest. The sensation that literally wants to go out on the canvas with all its colors.

Another way to overcome the creative block is to get surrounded by everything that is related to art. Books, artist's profiles on social media, galleries visits, documentaries, courses, lectures – Everything that is related to art. Recently I even started to meet people that are in the art field, which feels different, new. It is truly inspiring to speak to someone who is sharing same visions.

All the above fuels my wish to paint.

Getting orders for commissions with tight deadlines is also a good way to get me into my art corner. However, this topic needs additional space. BRB!

Much love, Marina. @Article by Marina Kotliar, 2022

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